facebook test

Gjorde lite "meningsfulla" test på facebook förut, fick reda på ganska mycket om mig själv!

Mania is an obsessive love that, while intimate and intense, often includes jealousy, possessiveness and a lack of communication. It is also known as the troubled love. This love has jealousy and dependence (often called co-dependency), great intensity, some intimacy, and many psychological symptoms related to the relationship.

alltså, den kärlek jag "har" är intim och intensiv men den inkluderar också avund, besatthet och brist på kommunikation. Psykologiska symptom.. vet inte direkt vad de menar med det men. Det kan nog stämma en del ändå xD Naw min kärlek är fylld med trubbel

batmanbadguy testet:
You are Selena Kyle/"Catwoman." The quintessential rebel, you go your own way and you do it often; you make wrong seem right and self-serving behavior seem selfless. You take pride in everything you do, and with good reason. Being through more than enough rough times has given you a hard-boiled edge that sometimes gets you cornered, but you aren't afraid to let the claws come out if need be. Commonly underestimated yet never forgotten, you're confident enough in your own abilities to not take sides, yet attract others who may not agree with you to your cause. You belong to no one but yourself, and so far, that's not a bad thing. You're open to whatever comes your way.

går min egen väg, ja ibland. Gått igenom många jobbiga moment, som så som jag tolkar det har gjort mig... ehm.. hårdkokt? Tillhör endast mig själv. Underskattad men inte bortglömd. Tja, en del saker stämmer väl men inte allt.


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